Down to the Roots


“This collection of 14 songs is a nod to the Americana music of his youth in Santa Rosa, when he would take buses to Music City Records in Oakland to buy blues and R&B records he heard on the radio on so-called “race” stations, and to the folk tunes and bluegrass he listened to and played when he went to Boston College in Cambridge, Mass, in the 1960s.” – Paul Liberatore, Marin Independent Journal

  1. Married To the Blues
  2. Love Is A Five Letter Word
  3. Blue Morning / Good Day For The Blues
  4. Like A Road
  5. Blues My Naughty Sweetie Gives To Me
  6. I’ll Do Anything For You
  7. Blue Monday
  8. Just Can’t Quit the Blues
  9. Nobody Knows You When You’re Down And Out
  10. Blue Driver
  11. Corrina Corrina
  12. If You Got To Make A Fool Of Somebody
  13. Precious Gold
  14. Riding With The King
  15. Bonus Track: L’Italiano

Mailing Address:
P.O Box 445
Inverness, CA 94937

General Inquiries:
banana at lowelllevinger dot com
